Colors of Nature: The river of five colors!

Presenting Part 3 of my ‘colors of nature’ series – Cano Caristales, a naturally colored river located in Serrania de la Macarena Park of Meta Province, Republic of Columbia. The South American region is home to this stunning river that is often called ‘The most beautiful river in the world’, ‘The Liquid Rainbow’ and also ‘The River that ran away from Paradise’.

Cano Cristales is like any other river except for a few weeks from September through November, the river transforms into a living rainbow. During the short span between the wet and dry seasons, when the water level is just right, a unique species of plant that lines the river floor called Macarenia clavigera turns a brilliant red. It is perfectly complemented by splotches of yellow and green sand, blue water, and a variety of shades in between. Here’s a look at the river –

Naturally colored river

The surreal beauty of the wonder known as Cano Cristales.

Red color river

Painting it red!

Cano Cristales

The most beautiful river in the World indeed!

Colored river

Cano Cristales in its shades of red…

pink color river

The river running over small ridges and holes forms a dramatic picture with its pink algae rendering colors

most beautiful river in the world

A closer look at the wonder river

colorful river

The different colors seen in Cano Cristales

pink color in river

The pink river bed…

The River that ran away from Paradise

Tourists trekking along the river admiring the work of nature!

Most Colorful river

How it looks from under the water….


Cano Cristales river, Columbia

Following its course without being aware of its underlying beauty…